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L a n d s c a p e s ,
S e a s c a p e s 
Searching for the ultimate scenes; high mountains, harsh deserts, stormy skies, calm seas, night skies - but always dictated by the quality of the light. Polariser, ND grad filters, bracketing and time exposures make for great techniques and opportunities for unique image capture.  
A v i a t i o n  Drawn inexorably to the skies, airshows, airports, approaches, airwaves, sims. Joyriding in general aviation a/c, or on very special occasions an invitation to an airliner's flight deck. Extreme enjoyment flying radio control (helis, gliders and aerobatic) and years of paragliding. Duxford's Flying Legends airshows in 2010 and 2011, and Farnborough in 2011, Oshkosh one day? Proud moments always at the front of aircraft piloted by friends and family, especially airliners. Hot air ballooning with great folks and becoming useful ground crew.
SUMMARY A desk-bound pilot with camera at the ready 

I m a g e  p o r t f o l i o

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